Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Sexism is treating people differently because of the gender which they were born. We have no control over the gender we are. So, we can't discriminate people for them gender.
There are a lot of ways of sexism. First of all we can see sexism against females. Nowdays female are fighting for their rights, but in fact they still don't have as much rights as males. Sexism against females in its extreme form is known as misogyny, which is derived from the Greek for "hatred of females". Historically, in many patriarchal societies, females were and are viewed as the "weaker sex". Women's lower status is evident in cases in which females were not even recognized as persons under the law of the land. The feminist movement promotes women's rights to stop sexism against females by addressing issues such as equality under the law, political representation of females, access to education and employment, female victims of domestic violence, self-ownership of the female body, and the impact of pornography on women. While women sexism is known for many years, sexism against males only in recent years has such awareness begun to develop in public discourse.
Sexism against males in its extreme form is known as misandry, which is derived from the Greek for "hatred of males". It is often known as "reverse sexism." A related term is androphobia, which refers to the fear of males or masculinity.
Sexism against transsexes has also only been recently identified, and it has also yet to enter into the public discourse. Traditionally, transsexes are viewed as having psychological problem of gender identity disorder, or more recently viewed as simply being radically homosexual. Transsexuality refers to the condition of being self-identified with the opposite sex and the LGBT movement has actively fought sexism against transexes. The most typical forms of sexism against transsexuals are how many "women-only" and "men-only" events and organizations have been criticized for rejecting transfemales, and transmales respectively. Transsexed people are also often the target of hate crimes, as the traditional notion of masculinity and femininity is often perceived to be threatened by those who adopt a different sex later in life. In fact, in Lithuania people don't take transsexual, because they differ from us, and I believe that here we can see the biggest sexism. But on the other hand, maybe sometimes they express them too much and want to have even more rights than normal people.
The church and sexism
Like all institutions that are dominated by men, the church has been guilty of sexism. Women have had little to do with the power in the church, even though they have traditionally made up the majority of the members. God is assumed to be a man and still in most churches women cannot rise to the highest positions.
Over the last few years a new force has arisen in the Christian church which is sometimes called feminist theology.
In conslusion I would like to mention one idea, which I have found in one article: "All people whatever their gender were created by God and so all people are equal in the sight of God and should be treated as equal."


Anonymous said...

Very interesting pictures and writing. I've enjoyed it.

janina said...

:D :D :D best pictures ever!!!:D :D :D