Sunday, March 25, 2007

Queues psychology

First of all, queues are a part of everyone of us life. Queues are everywhere, from waiting in the market to waiting in the bank. When people are waiting they get bored, get stressed and lose their temper. Many studies show that each minute travelling on the bus lasts as long two or three minutes waiting for the bus in the queue. In other words, they waist their time!

For this reason, there is queues psychology. They try to reduce these bad feelings as much as possible. Psychologists use very different ways. For example, music, mirrows, animation on tv's, or puts different magazines. Customers didn't view the time waiting in the queue as "empty" or lost time, but rather as part of an entertainment experience.

I believe that every one of us, must understand something about queues psychology and how it works, because it would help you to divert your attention from waiting in line!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Emotional Intelligence

First of all, what is "Emotional intelligence"? The definition of it says that it is the innate potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remember, learn from, manage and understand emotions and often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient or EQ. I found that one psychologist S. Hein written that each child enters the world with a unique potential for these components of emotional intelligence:
1. Emotional sensitivity
2. Emotional memory
3. Emotional processing and problem solving ability
4. Emotional learning ability.
Also the way we are raised dramatically affects what happens to our potential in each of these areas. For example a baby might be born with a very high potential for music - he or she might be a potential Mozart -but if that child's potential is never recognized and encouraged, and if the child is never given the chance to develop their musical potential, they will never become a talented musician later in life. The world will then miss out on this person's special gift to humanity.
On the other hand, a child being raised in an emotionally abusive home can be expected to use their emotional potential in unhealthy ways later in life.
Because of these possibilities, we can make a distinction between a person's inborn emotional potential versus their actual emotional skills and use of emotional intelligence later in life. We can use the term "emotional intelligence" only for a person's inborn emotional potential.